Autonomous Surveillance Systems

Integrated Sensor Package

- EO / IR Long-Range Camera

- Ground Surveillance Radar

- Counter-Unmanned Aerial System

- 4 x UAV's with EO / IR payload

- 1 x UGV with EO / IR payload



- Ballistic proofing

- Non-lethal Acoustic Hailing Device

- Non-lethal Optical Distractors

- 360 Degree Cameras

- Optional RCWS


The APD-3 is a fully autonomous ISR platform that provides an independent, permanent and rapidly deployed surveillance and response capability.

The APD-3’s array of EO / IR, Radar, C-UAS sensors and mobile assets remain on assignment around the clock, providing uninterrupted intelligence and rapid reaction options, even in remote locations.

An APD-3 carries a mast-mounted long-range EO / IR sensor, Ground Surveillance Radar, C-UAS, and optional Remote Control Weapon Station, as well as 4 x UAVs and 1 x UGV with EO / IR payloads. 

The APD-3 is modular and can accommodate different payloads to meet different customer requirements.

A single APD-3 provides surveillance across a 30km radius and can be networked as a mesh of multiple interoperating APD-3 units, providing coverage across expansive areas.

The APD-3’s minimal logistical footprint means operations can be sustained in remote and hazardous environments for extended periods. The APD-3 is powered by a 10kW flexible solar panel array that auto deploys and retracts, providing off-grid and cost-free power to the all-electric systems on board. A backup diesel generator is integrated into the platform to ensure uninterrupted operations. Minimal refueling convoys are required to keep the system operational, removing personnel from harms way and massively reducing lifetime operating costs.

Tactical Aerostat Surveillance System (TASS)

The Tactical Aerostat Surveillance System (TASS) provides long-term, long-range and wide area surveillance, communications and SIGINT capability to ranges of up to 100km.

With a payload capacity of up to 87kg, multiple advanced sensors can be installed simultaneously, expanding the TASS's ISR capability and mission profiles. TASS provides EO / IR, Radar and C-UAS payloads, but is modular and can accommodate alternative payloads.

TASS is integrated with the EAS Power Dock providing off-grid solar-powered energy for extended operations, minimizing refueling costs and offering uninterrupted surveillance.

The TASS communicates seamlessly with all other EAS systems, as well as integrated third-party equipment, via the EAS FusionC2 software package, auto-tasking other assets to intercept potential targets as they approach.

Screenshot from FusionC2 software platform showing a potential network of EAS systems with a TASS providing long-range detection, tracking and identification, as well as acting as a network communications relay.

The TASS ques up APD-3 assets to interrogate potential threats at greater resolution when such threats enter the APD-3 unit’s caption zone in a seamless and dense area of detection, tracking and identification of threats.

TASS coverage range shown in blue, APD-3 range in red, RDPS in yellow

One RDPS unit includes:

- NEST with solar power generation, secure communications relay and situational awareness EO / IR

- 1 x UAV

- 400 x EAS PUCK micro-seismic sensors

Rapid Deployment Perimeter System (RDPS)

The Rapid Detection Perimeter System (RDPS) autonomously deploys large quantities of unattended micro-seismic sensors from UAVs to detect ground intrusions across sensitive and vulnerable terrain.

Vulnerable locations, natural choke points and other priority sites for sensor deployment are autonomously identified and selected for sensor seeding by EAS’s AI-driven autopilot software.

Effective intrusion detection range on solid surfaces of up to 100m for vehicles and 50m for personnel.

Networked as a Mesh with other seismic sensors and with all EAS and integrated third-party products to provide complete coverage of expansive territories.

The sensors are camouflage coated and tamper-proof, making them hard to detect and impossible for data to be retrieved by unauthorized access.

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A member of our team will respond within 24 hours.





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